DJ Jewel Grabs the Mic

DJ Jewel Grabs the Mic
Doing what I Do!

...A Little History

Second Life has become a huge part of my real life, and never would I have though touching down in Orientation Island would I come to realize just how important and life changing it could be. That was June 16, 2005.

I was brought to the game by a friend of mine who used to play in the game "There". I remember that 1st day...*laughs at the thought. I couldn't MOVE, I couldn't do anything, and for about a half hour I was fighting with the controls, my avie, etc. I gave up. I logged out of Second Life, went back to There, and told myself that was it.. I gave it a chance, and didn't return for a couple months.

I think that I was so used to another games navigation. I got very intimidated and overwhelmed trying to maneuver my avie, (plus no patience) I literally gave up. LOL.. Well, needless to say, I came back and got my avie OFF Orientation Island and the world of Second Life really 'opened up' to me. It was amazing. After that day I literally have spent thousands of hours exploring, working, and making new friends.

I've got to give kudos to some very important people that guided me, mentored me, and have loved me throughout my time in SL.

Salonge Clio - My Mentor. She was steadfast. Never faltered. Amazing person that has more patience than anyone I know. She gave me my 1st house to live in, clothing, tips on everything from how to walk to how to talk! She worked with me for a long while, and I thank her for everything she had done for me at the beginning.

Fyre Raine - My best friend, my 'lover', my confidant. We have been through so very much together, and have continued a journey that will never stop. We have become real life friends, and that friendship will last a lifetime.

Stroker Serpentine - The Sex Tycoon of Second Life! This man literally is one of the most talented, kind, generous and caring men I SL and in RL. He plucked me out of a cast of thousands in Second Life to work with him in what is now "Eros Enterprises". Being a part of his Second Life family has torn down many barriers to any success I may have had in game. Outwardly, in RL, he is the same. A man of his word, and he is extremely family oriented.

Manek Mauvaise - Ok, now this is gonna get to me! You and I have evolved in this game from the 1st hour I met you as a newbie. You have been exactly the man I would share all my years of Second Life with. I think my close friends will know, that even in your absence you were not forgotten. This is a passionate and genuine relationship, one that brings me alive, makes me shiver from the inside out, and to express all I feel about it would be impossible. This connection we share is real, titilating, emotion provoking and its an addiction in a sense. I can't live without it, nor do I want to.

Jade Jensen - "Peaches"...What do I say? How can I say it? I love this woman. Shes rich at heart, has more creative talent in one of her toes than I have in my whole body...and we have so much fun in Second Life together. Shes has a huge heart, and gives without reservation. I am honored and blessed to have such a good friend as her. Shes the winner "kittie" in the bunch, and one day, my kittie will be as pretty as hers! Guaranteed!

Last by not LEAST by any means my RL Sister VENTURA STARR. You know Shelly, it make me laugh to think back before you played SL.... we were 1700 miles apart... and I told you about Second Life on the phone, and u though I was nuts. You said "no, u cant do that in there, no, i've never seen anything like that", bla bla bla.... and then you got REAL inquisitive and started asking questions... LOL.... well, you logged into the avie I made you, and you said to me "Damn! Now i see what you are talking about"... hahaha, u never LEFT SL, I think u clocked more hours in SL than I did in the 1st month! I love you, and glad you are here with us to share this crazy train.
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